What is Route::get() in Laravel?

What is Route::get() in Laravel?

What is Route::get() in Laravel?

Route::get() is a method in the Laravel framework used to define a route for HTTP GET requests. 

– A route is a URL pattern that maps to a specific action in your application.

In Laravel, you can use the Route::get() method to define a route that will respond to a GET request made to a specific URL. The method takes two arguments: the URL pattern and a closure or a controller method that will be executed when the route is triggered.

Here's an example of how you could use Route::get() to define a simple route that returns a string when a user visits the URL /hello:

Route::get('/hello', function () {
    return 'Hello, World!';

In this example, when a user visits the URL /hello, Laravel will trigger the closure defined in the Route::get() method and return the string Hello, World!

You can also specify a controller method to handle the logic for the route instead of using a closure:

Route::get('/hello', [ExampleController::class, ‘index']);

In this example, the ExampleController class contains a method named index that will be executed when the route is triggered.

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